De vrais couples, de vraies histoires !

Les membres qui ont trouvé l'amour sur HongKongCupid

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Thanks HongKongCupid for helping me find one a lovely man

Thank you, HongKongCupid, for helping me find a lovely man. Thank you, HongKongCupid, for helping me find a lovely man.

I found the love of my life!

Thank you, HongKongCupid! Thank you, HongKongCupid!

I found my partner through HongKongCupid!

I found my partner through HongKongCupid. I wish the best of luck to all the members. The key is to be honest and humble, and then God will connect you with someone wonderful. I found my partner through HongKongCupid. I wish the best of luck to all the members. The key is to be honest and humble, and then God will connect you with someone wonderful.